CPMCL Birthday/Veterans Ceremony and Wellness Day

We are back in the Academy and our wellness partners will be joining us.

CPMCL Birthday/Veterans Ceremony and Wellness Day

November 8th. CPD Academy 1300 W Jackson, 1500 hours.

We are back in the Academy and our wellness partners will be joining us. We’ll have Road Home, Stella, EAP, Light the Line, FOP, Police Chaplains, Police Memorial Foundation, PAPA, Emerald Society and more. Our wellness partners will set up at 1400 hours. We will start our ceremony at 1500 hours. We will be celebrating all Veterans, highlighting their service, showing support entities in place, and enjoying great camaraderie. After the ceremony, we will board busses for the VFW at 3200 S May followed by the American Legion at 1956 W 35th. We will be presenting our two high school scholarships of $5000 each. One scholarship will be for CPD/CPMCL members and the other will be for 1ST Responders/CPMCL. Applications will be accepted until October 31st. Interested persons, please submit a brief, one page resume detailing the parent(s) service and the applicant’s background. Email applications to our CPMCL email address.

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